

'It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.'

– Roy Disney

Knowing your values brings clarity and certainty to your decision making process, especially when determining your life direction.

This module will help you identify your PERSONAL values. Not career, family or relationship values. They are YOUR personal and individual values that show up in all areas of your life.

To complete this activity select five values from the list below. Start off by circling all those that stand out to you and then narrow it down to the top five.

The temptation is to choose more than five but it's crucial you keep it under five for two reasons. Firstly because our brain can only comfortably hold a small number in our long term memory and it's important you are able to memorise your values.

Secondly, your values should be precious (like gold to you) and the more of them you have the less precious you will consider them. Narrowing it to five means you are protective of the ones you have selected and will go to extra lengths to uphold them in your life.

Use the values page in the workbook (or the embedded PDF below) to complete this activity.

Post your top five values to the Facebook Group.

Values worksheet.pdf
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